

February 16, 2022

Fully automated warehousesare logistics facilities that make use of automated handling equipment and conveying systems to optimize the performance of operations, including truck loading and unloading. Automated warehouses do away with standard forklifts and minimize the presence of operators inside them.

Against a backdrop in which companies seek to raise their competitiveness, warehouse automation is a trend seen more and more in logistics nowadays. The goal is to gain in效率和生產力: only automated processes can ensure maximum throughput 24/7.


A fully automated warehouse is a facility that usesautomated logistics solutions to carry out all operations, from goods receiving to theprocessing of ordersand their subsequent dispatch.

這些中心的特點是其物流過程中最小的操作員幹預。甚至有被稱為dark warehouses:沒有運營商在他們內部工作,他們不需要照明。

Completely automated warehouses can be designed to handle different types of goods, making themincreasingly common in sectors as varied as the ecommerce, automotive, and food industries, among others.

醫療保健情況促使最新推動過程自動化:在移動性限製和變化的勞動力的情況下,automated solutions make it possible to comply with all safety measures while maintaining production levels。In an interview with Mecalux,Yossi Sheffi該公司運輸和物流管理中心主任表示:“Covid-19加速了供應鏈中新技術的實施,以及一個看到最大增長的一個領域是倉庫自動化。”

谘詢公司的一項研究McKinseyforesees a highly automated future: “Many operations could be automated by 2030, as artificial intelligence (AI.)接管物流公司表演的許多重複活動。我們希望看到完全自動化的高架倉庫,具有自動駕駛過道的自動車輛。經理人增強 - 現實眼鏡將能夠“看到”整個操作,幫助他們協調人員和機器人。倉庫管理係統將跟蹤inventory in real time, ensuring it is matched to the ordering system.3D打印機will crank out spare parts made to order.”


Industrial process automation包括在一個或多個倉庫運營中實施自動化解決方案,例如貨物收據,訂單揀貨和stock management

安裝自動化係統的主要目標是優化在設施中發生的運動,提高生產率,並限製錯誤that could undermine the company’s competitiveness. In a fully automated warehouse, all logistics operations have minimal human intervention. Let’s see how it works in the operations below:

Automated goods receipt

In a logistics facility, the goods receiving process is key for effective stock control. In this operation, the docks can be equipped withautomatic truck loading and unloading systems。This solution was implemented by the Mecalux Group in the automated warehouse ofHayat Kimya在土耳其。

將商品的移動從裝載碼頭流到各種存儲和/或工作區,您可以安裝自動輸送係統,如pallet conveyorsand盒子,手提箱和垃圾箱的滾筒輸送機。在自動化設施中,整個操作由倉庫管理軟件控製,可協調自動設備以提高效率。

Automated internal transportation

Fully automated warehouses replace manual handling equipment (叉車) with自動運輸係統,不斷提供存儲,訂單揀選和派遣區

這些示例是托盤或箱式輸送機 - 取決於單位負荷 - 哪個streamline the movement of goods to the different areas in the facility。這是ZBYSZKO公司的案例,拋光飲料製造商。要將存儲和生產區域連接到其新倉庫中,它已從MeCalux組內納入托盤輸送機係統。

對於產品密度低的設施,可以將手動處理設備交換自動引導車輛。Meanwhile, warehouses requiring several areas to be connected by means of a closed circuit can installelectrified monorails。這se transportation systems, which can be aerial or floor-mounted, comprise self-propelled trolleys that deliver the goods to the workstations.

Fully automated warehouses employ automated storage and transportation systems
Fully automated warehouses employ automated storage and transportation systems


提取/沉積機架上的產品是物流設施中最常用的自動化之一。這是因為自動化解決方案如托盤堆垛機起重機(AS / RS)andMiniLoad Systems(盒子/盧比)ensure productivity and accuracy under the supervision of a warehouse management system (WMS).

在完全automated warehouses, where goods are distributed via conveyors,托盤檢查站need to be implemented. These驗證托盤和貨物的正確條件在設施的入口處。

從機架的產品存儲和檢索自動化的一個例子是巴西的巴斯夫的機架式倉庫。這15,070英尺2facility is divided into two aisles served by twin-mast stacker cranes for pallets. Easy WMS, the warehouse management software from the Mecalux Group, acts as the brain of the facility, ensuring efficiency in the storage of the goods.


訂單準備是one of the most complex operations to automate, as processes are rarely constant or repetitive. Nevertheless, there are solutions such asindustrial robotic arms(supplied by conveyors), which greatly boost picking throughput in a facility. This can be seen in the warehouse of哈維物流in Portugal, which uses robotic arms to handle multiple boxes simultaneously.

訂單揀貨和派遣也可以使用諸如分揀機等解決方案自動化,使產品轉移到不同的工作站或運輸容器。同樣,市場上有解決方案,用於自動化增值過程,以便準備和派遣,如stretch-wrapping and palletizing robots and labeling machines

Software-automated warehouse management

A fully automated warehouse requires software that coordinates the operations of the automated handling and transportation equipment in the facility. Thewarehouse management system (WMS), which directs where each product should go and which operations to perform, interacts with the倉庫控製係統(WCS), responsible for coordinating the movements of the machines. The Mecalux Group has developed its own versions of these two software programs: Easy WMS (the management software) and Galileo (the WCS).

Thanks to this technology,all movements in the automated warehouse are optimized, and errors are prevented在作為貨物收據和多SKU訂單采摘的過程中的過程中。

Streamlined storage operations are a key feature of the new AS/RS for boxes of automotive company大陸alin Mexico. Easy WMS coordinates the tasks of the miniload system and of the conveyors, taking into account criteria such as product turnover and final destination.

A fully automated warehouse requires warehouse management software to coordinate the facility
A fully automated warehouse requires warehouse management software to coordinate the facility

這age of the fully automated warehouse

倉庫自動化提高組織的性能和可靠性。Process automation entails enhanced safety and accuracy. But above all, it provides complete control over stock in the facility.

Interested in setting up a fully automated warehouse to maximize the efficiency of your logistics operations?Don’t hesitate to contact us。我們的一位專家顧問將在您的業務中提供最佳解決方案。
